Micheal Bay to direct live-action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Remake

Art from the upcoming remake of TMNT

For our first official post, I find it only fitting that it is about our favorite group of mutated reptiles, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the inspiration for our namesake. Check out these links to articles about the upcoming re-invention from Tranformers director Micheal Bay. The director is rich and famous for directing big budget blockbusters such as Bad Boys, Armageddon, and Pearl Harbor. We here at CF are exited to see how he will screw up the franchise and make the once-cool ninjas into turtle soup. Let’s hope for the best though, and share in the anticipation of the newest installment of TMNT. Although Michael Bay’s films are one dimensional and cliched, they are entertaining the first time you see them. I must give him credit for his ability to direct action, which is no simple task. If he could only match the intensity of his action sequences with genuine character development, story structure, and some degree of artistic aesthetic, he might be able to break away from his reputation as a blockbuster shlock director and step into the more respectable role of auteur. This explains my point.

Check out these links here and here about the film.

by Alex Prouhet

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