Jaws Continues to Clamp Down on Society

            Jaws still reigns in as the original summer blockbuster, and “this was no boat accident” in itself.  After more than 35 years, Jaws continues to set the standard by which all others are measured. Simply, it’s the Michael Jordan of cinema today. By so profoundly changing the way movies are produced and marketed, Jaws has instilled a “standard” on which movie lovers and critics continually look upon to what raises the bar next.  Just like society at large, movie enthusiasts are always searching for that next source that can bring about new entertainment. Because in essence, movies aren’t just simply entertainment, it introduces a vast lifestyle that has found its’ niche among our society. Therefore, Jaws has been the leader, as well as an influence on the way cinema lovers create movies, when looking at Hollywood for new entertainment by originally introducing the summer season “blockbuster” era.

            Before the time every beach bum paddled their way into the cinema, it wasn’t common for a new movie to make way in only a hundred or so screens in its’ debut. So, it would be very difficult for any movie to become a phenomenon, let alone a “national event”. But, unlike anything before its’ time, Jaws was the first to open in over an astounding 400 cinemas (Muller).At first, this doesn’t seem like a big number, but originally compared to maybe one hundred cinemas, it is nearly a 400 % increase in viewing audience. So nonetheless, Jaws had the power and potential to become a living legend. Additionally, it was backed by one of the most expensive TV ad campaigns up to that time (Muller). As a result, it single handedly jump-started the blockbuster era of cinema.

Likewise, when Jaws was first debuted, it was in the era of little technology. Remember, at this time, Pong was the new “hit” video game. So when Steven Spielberg directed Jaws with such profound effects at the time, it vastly contributed to the movies desirability. It was a group effort in the sense of physical effects, a fake shark (that didn’t work very well to begin with), editing tricks, and a music score swiped the United States of their feet (Fisher).

So, needless to say, with the incredible combination of timing, distribution, and effects, Hollywood decided it was in its’ own interest to jump on board the “blockbuster mentality”. As a result, studios began introducing films more and more widely, to the point that it was not unusual for a potential blockbuster to open simultaneously on two thousand or even three thousand screens (Muller). And before one could know it, Jaws was being blamed for the industry-wide preoccupation with opening weekends, midnight releases, and making movies that appeal to the widest demographic.

Thus, society continued to evolve with the film industry. The initial effect Jaws created by opening the door on summer “blockbusters” proved to substantially affect the way Americans look at and utilize cinema today. Instead of movies just being “movies”, the cinema and movie industry has opened several new scenarios in which Americans constantly try to enhance the experience of watching entertainment, just like Steven Spielberg tried to do (MFS). For example, it wasn’t just enough to watch an action movie on a normal movie screen, now everyone had to experience the “IMAX” to enhance the viewing pleasure. Also, the introduction of DVD’s seemed to be the greatest thing since sliced bread, now there’s a “Blue-ray” modification of DVD’s? Of course taking the entertainment home to your private cinema with a deluxe flat screen television reduces the need to travel to be entertained. Nonetheless, these ideas are the epitome of what Jaws has done to the entertainment society, creating a lifestyle in wanting “new” ways to be entertained.

As a result, bigger theories can be condoned with societies “push” for more. For instance, lifestyles have been changed and grown through the booming business aspect of movies. Society has managed to turn pure entertainment into a way of life for some folks. Also, more family and friend orientated lifestyles has been accustomed to with the movie industry. Families and friends gather around sofas, movie theaters, drive-ins, or rental stores in an attempt to experience the “new” from Hollywood, but in reality relationships and lifestyles are growing alike.

So sure, movies can be seen as purely entertainment, but what Jaws accomplished is different. Yes it still captures the essence of “Hollywood entertainment”, but by being introduced in an entertainment lull, distributed over a greater demographic area and having “state of the art” effects at that time, it has created a culture of constantly wanting more in life, regardless of what it may be. Society has clinched onto this idea greatly and taken it straight to heart as becoming one’s lifestyle. Never being satisfied and always looking for what we don’t have and want, and forget about what’s already ours.  As a result, this is one area for a future implication, if society continues at its’ pace, at any given time, chaos could break out and prove to be harmful. Also, its clear if a given individual finds little to no entertainment in the movie industry, regardless of the film, it would be hard to show that cinema created their own lifestyle. On the bright side, looking into new research of music entertainment dating back to radical style changes could offer a similar or different insight on the phenomenon of the movie industry.

By: Jake Oblak

Works Cited

Fisher, Luchina. “‘Jaws’ Launched Summer Blockbuster 35 Years Ago.” ABCNews. N.p., 18 Jun 2010. Web. 2 Aug 2011. <http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/jaws-launched-summer-blockbuster-35-years-ago/story?id=10855868&gt;.

MAIL FOREIGN SERVICE, . “Just When they thought it was safe… ‘Jaws”.” N.p., 08 Sep 2008. Web. 2 Aug 2011. <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1211663/The-Jaws-effect-Great-white-shark-sightings-force-closure-Cape-Cod-beaches-busiest-weekend-summer.html&gt;.

Muller, Bill. “30 Years Ago, ‘Jaws’ made quite a splash in Hollywood.” The Arizona Republic. N.p., 10 Jun 2005. Web. 2 Aug 2011. <http://www.azcentral.com/ent/movies/articles/0610jawscol0610.html&gt;.

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