Movies I thought were shitty but got a good Rotten Tomato rating: Julie and Julia (2009)

I want to follow Alex’s post of movies that Rotten Tomato thinks are shitty that he thought were better, with movies that I think are shitty and somehow got a good rating. Julie and Julia somehow received a 76% but when I saw this I had trouble keeping my eyes open. Now don’t get me wrong, I can be a sucker for a feel good chick flick from time to time but this was down right boring. Yes, Meryl Streep is a good actress, but when you look at her other performances (Fantastic Mr. Fox, Deer Hunter, Doubt, Adaptation, etc.) this movie seems to be curiously lacking. It seemed to be half a good movie and half a crappy movie, which unfortunately doesn’t really make it a good movie. The Julia Childs parts were interesting however the modern day Julie parts  were not exciting what so ever. Maybe I don’t cook enough to truly appreciate a ‘culinary comedy’ but he way I see it, an actor can carry a movie when given the right role, but I don’t think that this was that role.

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